Friday, June 09, 2006

Words to Live By

Goals: Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry Ford

Focus: If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.

Attitude: Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but by how we react to what happens. A positive attitude is a catalyst . . . a spark that creates extraordinary results.

Success: My first big league game was a huge mental breakthrough for me because, like most of these guys, I thought the big leagues were gonna be 10 times as hard as the minor leagues, as college and high school. When I got there, I realized I could hit a major league fastball, and I could hit a major league curveball. I realized that it wasn't as tough as I thought it was. I could relax and do what I'd always done. . . To me, the sooner you can understand that you belong, that you can have the success you're looking for by doing what you've always done, the rest of it is gonna come. You don't have to try to go out there and get it. Those 200-hit seasons will come, those 100 runs, scores, hits, gold gloves, all of it. All that stuff is a by-product of working hard and believing that you can do what you've always done. Tony Gwynn


Happy A. said...

Indeed. No more chasing two rabbits for me.

Anonymous said...

I love Tony Gwynn! :-)