Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fill 'er up ... but where?

No matter how stringently we conserve, even if we trade in a Suburban for a Prius, most Americans still have to buy gasoline. Conceding this point, the folks at Co-op America--a not-for-profit group out to harness the economic power of consumers, businesses and others to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society--has done a little research on which companies are doing the best job of honoring environmental and social responsibilities. Here's their conclusion:

"There is no such thing as a "good" gas company. However, some gas and oil companies have taken important first steps toward reforming their business practices. Consumers can use their purchases to applaud these first steps and push for changes in what is still a fairly problematic industry. And consumers can join with investors in calling on companies to disclose fully their environmental and social impacts."

Best options: BP, Sunoco, Citgo
Better option: Shell
Worst options: Chevron, Exxon

For more info, click here.

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