Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hogwarts Expressed

Best part of the weekend: finishing Harry Potter, Vol. VI. Worst part of the weekend: finishing Harry Potter Vol. VI. As usual, J.K. leaves you stunned, stumped by lingering questions, and doomed to suffer another three years of withdrawal back in Muggleland. Meanwhile, Voldemort is still lurking out there somewhere and up to no good whatsoever.


Happy A. said...

I vowed to only read HPATHBP while working out. The result: Two 50-minute elliptical trainer sessions this weekend.

I'm halfway through and will probably get an extra workout in this week, so that I can finish it.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to read it. I don't like sad endings. I might just wait until book 7 comes out so I can read them all in succession and not be sad for the next 3 years... Meanwhile I'm re-reading book 5 because I can't remember anything that happened.