Thursday, February 23, 2006

Power Lunch

My friend Claire never went to college, had a big career, made a fortune or got famous. But what she did do—raise a family of four children within a lasting marriage and spread the joy of Newfoundland dogs, along with a keen insight into the human heart—has made all the difference in countless lives, mine included. I had a rare chance to visit with her yesterday, and as always, it was a treat. She's in her seventies now, but her embrace was as strong as ever, her personality as vibrant, her intuition as rare. We enjoyed a lunch she had made herself at home in Tennessee and overnight shipped in frozen containers to share with her daughter JoAnn and friends here in San Diego. Lentil soup. Beef and barley. Homemade sandwich spreads and two kinds of cake. It was a small group. Claire and JoAnn, two other Newfoundland lovers and me.

Afterwards, I fired up my laptop and ran through a sampling of photos of the new house, the family, the Newfs. As always, Claire took it all in eagerly, punctuating the show with bits of sage commentary and encouragement. You are an inspiration, I told her as I packed up to leave. I don’t know why, she said, laughing and looking away. But you are, I said. You’re my Yoda. She cupped her hands on either side of her head. Big ears and all? she asked. I nodded. Wise are ye, I said. She looked away again. We hugged good bye, and she waved as I turned to back out of the driveway, feeling, as always when I’ve talked with Claire, that I'm okay, that life is still long and full of meaning, and that anything is possible, especially when you believe in dogs.

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